Saturday, June 11, 2011

Gaussian PDF, CDF, Error Function and Q-Transformation

How time flies! My blog is six-months' old now and I've been trying to update it with one post per month on average. Contents here may not be fantastic, but all are originally created by myself so far. :)

Original also means the contents are my own understandings, thus may not be 100% correct. This is why I tried to give as more details as possible and attach the sample codes, if any, that used for preparing all the figures presented in the articles. Thus, your comments to correct wrong observations and conclusions, contributions to extend the scope of the articles are certainly warmly welcomed and greatly appreciated.

With that said, let me go back to the fields to continue today's topic: "PDF and CDF of Normal/Gaussian-distributions, Error Function and Q-transformation".

If you are an electrical engineer who want to brush up the very basic statistics that leads to a better understanding of random jitter modeling, dual-Dirac model based DJ, RJ decomposition and jitter extrapolation using bath-tube curve, you may like to read on here ....

You may also have interest in one of my previous articles talking about similar topics: "From Jitter Statistics to System BER"

Or simply look for it in May/2011 archives ...

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