Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Valentines' Day 2022: AMD Acquires Xilinx

AMD Acquires Xilinx

Valentines' Day 2022 witnessed the completion of AMD's acquisition of Xilinx.
It's also my day one with AMD as a Xilinx employee and I felt a strong urge to write down something to mark this day.
This something certainly can't be a technical topic, then what to write?
Recalled it's an all-stock-no-cash acquisition, I thought it could be fun to dig into this CP's stock market past performances.
One of the stories I heard long time ago is about a guy who made a great fortune and was said planning to woo a young but not very rich lady. However, nobody really saw any moves from him and the rumors eventually died down. Half decades later, the same young lady made a big fortune and became much richer than that guy. She, instead of hesitation, proposed to this guy straight away with a great success!
Fancying about happy fairy tales sharing similar story lines, I pulled the historical market values and daily stock prices of AMD and Xilinx (start with the date when AMD appointed Lisa as CEO to take the helm) from the Internet and plotted them on the same chart. Guess what! the stock prices of both companies bear more similarities than differences! And indeed that the guy is much richer than the lady to begin with. Looking at the historical daily stock price, there is a great correlation with a coefficient of 0.93.
A born couple?! 😍
Anyway, on 14, Feb. 2022, AMD and Xilinx united as one! 💕
Together, we advance! 🚀
Go AMD! 💪

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Transmitter FIR Output Waveform Simulation

Transmitter FIR Output Waveform Simulation
3-tap TX FIR

In this notebook, a step-by-step walk through of a 3-tap TX FIR output waveform generation is done to demonstrate the very basic concepts of TX FIR and its impact to signals going through channels. Useful codes are packed into helper functions to be reused in the future to futher explore automatic channel adaptation schemes such as TX FIR, FFE, RX CTLE and DFE etc.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

From S-parameters to Eye Diagrams

From S-parameters to Eye Diagrams
S-parameter to eye diagram

In this notebook, I briefly walked through a bare minimum serial link simulation procedure and demonstrated each step in python for:

  • Remote site S-parameter file loading, pre-processing and system impulse response(IR) extraction
  • IR to single-bit-response (SBR) conversion (where IR is the general system impulse response of the channel while SBR is the output of the single-bit input after going through the channel which is data-rate dependent)
  • Transient simulation through time domain 1d convolution (pay attention to the numpy and the scipy output differences in function call convolve(a,v,"same") mode)
  • Simple and fancier eye diagram plots

Acknowledgment: rainbow text generation tool provided by Rainbow Text Generator Multi Color Text.