Saturday, January 1, 2022

From S-parameters to Eye Diagrams

From S-parameters to Eye Diagrams
S-parameter to eye diagram

In this notebook, I briefly walked through a bare minimum serial link simulation procedure and demonstrated each step in python for:

  • Remote site S-parameter file loading, pre-processing and system impulse response(IR) extraction
  • IR to single-bit-response (SBR) conversion (where IR is the general system impulse response of the channel while SBR is the output of the single-bit input after going through the channel which is data-rate dependent)
  • Transient simulation through time domain 1d convolution (pay attention to the numpy and the scipy output differences in function call convolve(a,v,"same") mode)
  • Simple and fancier eye diagram plots

Acknowledgment: rainbow text generation tool provided by Rainbow Text Generator Multi Color Text.

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